Call for Reviewers
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2024 5th International Conference on Physics and Engineering Mathematics organizing committee is seeking reviewers to help evaluate and review manuscripts. If you are interested in joining us as a reviewer, please submit your reviewer application and send your latest CV (In the CV, you may want to highlight your research field and publication history) to


ICPEM 2024 is committed to taking peer review process against any publication misconduct. Thus, the constructive feedback that reviewers supply are an invaluable contribution to the success and quality of the conference.


Qualifications & Reviewer Selection

▶Reviewers should have one or more publications which have qualified to enter the peer review process.

▶Peer reviewers are selected from a list of qualified volunteers or from a list of qualified authors with the appropriate credentials, skills, and expertise.

▶Reviewers are assigned on the basis of subject matter and disciplinary expertise. Reviewers are encouraged to request reassignment if an article is outside their area expertise.


Reviewer Responsibilities & Expectations

▶Judge the manuscript objectively and give the authors constructive suggestions to improve paper quality.

▶Inform the conference committee if any plagiarism exists.

▶Send back the review comments within two or three weeks.

▶Keep the reviewed manuscript as confidential file and should not copy or use any information obtained during the peer review process.


Reviewer Benefits

The peer review system is structured upon a basic principle of reciprocity. You can:

▶Gain first-hand research frontiers to refresh your knowledge, get experience in your research field and set up your reputation.

▶Get an official letter/certificate to acknowledge your contribution.

▶Have opportunity to be a potential candidate of TPC member of the next ICPEM conference.

▶Enjoy a discount on your conference registration fee, which would be offered based on the quantity and quality of reviewed papers.